
Fully digital installment payments

With fully integrated Aufinity installment payment, customers can conveniently, flexibly and discreetly pay their after-sales bills in three or 24 installments.

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Screenshots aus dem, die die volldigitale Ratenzahlung auf einem Smartphone-Bildschirm zeigen. Angefangen von der Auswahl der Zahlungsmethode über die Auswahl der Rate bis zur Zusammenfassung der Rahmendaten der Ratenzahlung.

In collaboration with

Logo der Vereinigten Volksbank Raiffeisenbank eG
Complete solution

Our software gives you everything from a single source, with no additional effort for you.


Our 100% digital and intelligent application process builds trust among your customers.

Individual financing

Customer orientation: Offer flexibility with individual financing options.

Completely risk-free for your business

Aufinity assumes credit, fraud, and liquidity risks.

Real-time decision making for customers

Provide quick clarity and avoid unnecessary waiting times for customers.

Improved service experience: Strengthen customer loyalty and increase sales


It works in such a simple way

Aufinity offers digital installment payments as a native feature. This makes it as easy as possible for your customers to pay for their vehicle in installments.

Step 1: Select the installment payment method

Aufinity installment payment appears as one of our payment methods. This makes it a simple and attractive alternative.

Screenshot der möglichen Zahlungsmethoden auf einem Smartphone-Bildschirm: Überweisung, Direktbezahlen, Kreditkarte, PayPal und Ratenzahlung.

Step 2: Setting the desired operating time

The execution time can be easily set during the process. Your clients will immediately see the resulting picture data.

Screenshot von der Auswahl der monatlichen Rate, angezeigt auf einem Smartphone-Bildschirm.

Step 3: Check all contract data at a glance

Before your customers officially agree to pay in installments, we present all the important facts transparently and clearly.

Screenshot der Rahmendaten der Ratenzahlung, angezeigt auf einem Smartphone.
"With digital installment payments, our customers now have the ability to conveniently pay their utility bills in installments, thus avoiding immediate financial burdens."
Alexander Kin
Audit and project manager
Glinicke Dienstleistungs GmbH
Make the service experience even more convenient and increase your sales.
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